Deferred rendering engine

An ongoing project where I implement both established and novel rendering techniques to build a fundamental understanding of graphics. A technical overview, source code and comprehensive showcase are available on GitHub. In short, the engine is writen in modern C++ using OpenGL 4.6 as the graphics API. It relies on several open source libraries, including GLFW for windowing, Dear ImGui for the interface, GLM for mathematics and Tracy for profiling.

Thesis - VR exposure therapy for the treatment of selective mutism in children

For my bachelor thesis, I created a VR application for supporting the treatment of selective mutism, a rare disorder affecting a young child’s ability to speak in social situations. During development, I worked closely with researchers and behavioral therapists to meet their requirements. As part of my work, I designed a framework for systematically implementing an existing exposure therapy treatment plan in VR, and extended it with intuitive interaction methods and a virtual teacher.

Course project - The Hitchhiker's Guide to Accessibility

For a course on virtual reality, I grouped up with 4 other students to create a game for a good cause. Our project attempts to explore the hurdles faced by a wheelchair user when navigating public spaces. Over a 3 week time span, we transformed an architectural mock-up of the yet to be constructed LAB42 university building into an interactive scene to evaluate its accessibility. The game was built using the Unity engine and the XR interaction toolkit, targeting the Oculus Quest headset